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amitymilieu damitie blog
15 apr. 20221 min läsning
At our home church
Stabat mater the standing mother at the cross. We found some rests after a big tree in the parking the church. It fell ill. Replanting is...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
18 feb. 20221 min läsning
We're creationists and believe in ID. This I a sample we haven't seen before. Handmade. God creating through us. Doesn't Goddess look...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
24 dec. 20211 min läsning
Never alone
The sister and the brother as starlings. The sister and the brother is born and they becomes the father and mother of other starlings....
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amitymilieu damitie blog
29 okt. 20211 min läsning
Vi hittade en blomma till vår installation där vi tackar Mother nature för skörden. Hade aldrig sett den förr. Så ut som en vägtistel...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
30 apr. 20211 min läsning
To be loved
For two years the daughter has been afraid of dying. Now it's mended. By love. Aim bien la nature. It mends. The daughter is a threesome...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
9 apr. 20211 min läsning
Judgement day
He is risen! A joyful message but with this comes a responsibility. He said in Matthew that in those days there will be a sorting to...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
23 mars 20211 min läsning
Our prophet has been in a discussion about Eden and invasion. She thinks that western people invade Eden where we destroy more than...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
1 jan. 20211 min läsning
Happy new year
We wish you all a happy new year and a healthy new year. Bonne année!
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amitymilieu damitie blog
11 dec. 20201 min läsning
This week has been a week of education. We have been through the joy of listening to the joyeusements of the daughter. As it's written in...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
27 nov. 20201 min läsning
Listen Hindus
When we use the circle â• we usually add a cross. We think it's the union of the daughter and the son. That means the son breaks the...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
12 nov. 20201 min läsning
About being harassed
When government and others puts us in trouble we have Peter and Jesus' words about it. In the gospel it said be happy and you're being...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
10 nov. 20201 min läsning
About going to heaven
The daughter has to leave us. This might be soon. The end should be in fall and the date was set at black Friday. Somebody wants to move...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
3 nov. 20201 min läsning
The religion we've got is a smörgåsbord religion. Supervisor is the daughter. From above. Authorities is questioning how. We haven't got...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
2 okt. 20201 min läsning
End times
Referring to the new testament this is the end times You've got the the speech of the latest days by Jesus and end times by the daughter...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
25 sep. 20201 min läsning
A child
It was known who the daughter was when she was born. She was in education BUT in the mission she had to know herself. It's environmental...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
17 juli 20201 min läsning
The prophets.
The prophets all mix friendly with each other. Sometimes they send a thought to their fighting crowds but altogether they're all friends....
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amitymilieu damitie blog
15 maj 20201 min läsning
Ta livets seger krans
En hygglig medelsvensson kommer till himlen ät . Ät dolphinsafe tonfisk med lite creme Fraiche tomat och vitlök. Så att inte fisknätet...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
19 feb. 20201 min läsning
Good environmentÂ
In Sweden our environmental law is impossible for us to use as we shouldn't do any research in good or evil. To tell the difference...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
8 jan. 20201 min läsning
We're reading...Â
Mo Yan. Ximen Nao och hans sju liv. Vi läser den långsamt och med eftertanke. Vi tolv som blir satta på tolv troner i himlen att döma...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
25 nov. 20191 min läsning
Christians and Eden the paradise on earthÂ
Christians say they're doing fine without us. But have they really left the garden of God the Goddess in shape for us or are they now to...
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