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amitymilieu damitie blog
2 feb. 20211 min läsning
About hijab
We get questions on hijabs. You wear it if you want. If not dress in a proper way as long as you can. We don't mind cultural differences....
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amitymilieu damitie blog
19 jan. 20211 min läsning
Red 🎀 ribbon
We in our Christmas tree always take notice of those dead and I'll in AIDS. The suffering they've been through is horrible. The children...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
11 dec. 20201 min läsning
This week has been a week of education. We have been through the joy of listening to the joyeusements of the daughter. As it's written in...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
27 nov. 20201 min läsning
Listen Hindus
When we use the circle â• we usually add a cross. We think it's the union of the daughter and the son. That means the son breaks the...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
27 nov. 20201 min läsning
We're cutting down on meat. Although we think it's the order of the nature to have a quick death we believe they are suffering far too...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
10 nov. 20201 min läsning
About going to heaven
The daughter has to leave us. This might be soon. The end should be in fall and the date was set at black Friday. Somebody wants to move...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
6 nov. 20201 min läsning
On vegans
We don't just eat vegan food. We think the animals should die a quick death and not a long cruel one. We eat most vegetarian and fish....
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amitymilieu damitie blog
3 nov. 20201 min läsning
The religion we've got is a smörgåsbord religion. Supervisor is the daughter. From above. Authorities is questioning how. We haven't got...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
30 okt. 20201 min läsning
Our construction
For the daughter the year looks looks like this . We've got two reference countries Sweden and Palestine/Israel. What happens in one has...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
30 okt. 20201 min läsning
Rätt tal right speech
In buddhism rätt tal and right speech should be the same. We've studied ethics under Dr Lars Samuelsson who prescribed taking care of...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
27 okt. 20201 min läsning
A dear Oak
Our oak which we see everyday is old and asking some birds who knows maybe dying. Now it got a little baby indoors. This is something...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
23 okt. 20201 min läsning
The swan? Here we've had huge...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
17 okt. 20201 min läsning
Up by our church there used to be a meadow. Hopefully back next year. This is a part of a bee project we've been involved in. It is also...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
2 okt. 20201 min läsning
End times
Referring to the new testament this is the end times You've got the the speech of the latest days by Jesus and end times by the daughter...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
29 sep. 20201 min läsning
Atheists listen!
You atheists often refer to science as something you believe in instead of religion. To be a student in science doesn't convince you God...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
25 sep. 20201 min läsning
A child
It was known who the daughter was when she was born. She was in education BUT in the mission she had to know herself. It's environmental...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
22 sep. 20201 min läsning
What to wear
The daughter was before the adepts started to choose dressed in clothing without colors and in origin from the nature nature materials....
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amitymilieu damitie blog
11 sep. 20201 min läsning
Rearranging our homepage
We're now rearranging our home page from very masculine to more feminity. This is because when the daughter was young she...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
4 sep. 20201 min läsning
Atheism vs theism deism and on...
We believe discussion about evolution vs creation should be treated with both of them works. We can't see why God shouldn't be capable of...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
31 aug. 20201 min läsning
Agile or not..
You can do yoga. It's about spirit . Aglity comes later. The daughter thinks it's about connection to Mother nature and she's been...
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