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amitymilieu damitie blog
17 juni 20221 min läsning
A suffering Mother 🌎
When our main character had revelations as young she could feel the suffering of Mother 🌎. She has then been fighting her entire life to...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
27 maj 20221 min läsning
The shoemaker on holiday
The time between hägg and syrén is past in south of Sweden. This is known as the most beautiful part of the year in southwest of Sweden....
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amitymilieu damitie blog
26 apr. 20221 min läsning
Vi sitter och chattar vid den stora älgvandringen. Välkommen Thomas till vår app.
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amitymilieu damitie blog
15 apr. 20221 min läsning
At our home church
Stabat mater the standing mother at the cross. We found some rests after a big tree in the parking the church. It fell ill. Replanting is...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
18 feb. 20221 min läsning
We're creationists and believe in ID. This I a sample we haven't seen before. Handmade. God creating through us. Doesn't Goddess look...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
4 feb. 20221 min läsning
For our ladies
Protection for your brains and free sexuality. To be worn at ceremonies a culotte and a little pussyprotection. Buy a beautiful hairpin...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
14 jan. 20221 min läsning
During 40 years the daughter has done research in astrology. Now we've all been through a course in astronomy and astrology. The preach...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
23 nov. 20211 min läsning
Tall and blonde
Here she is. In the Christmas tree. The living Goddess daughter. She'll take care of Mother nature. Obeys in a lifelong calling. The way...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
12 okt. 20211 min läsning
Gravity won over the breasts of the daughter. Here the eight folded road with what's left. The daughter adds right speech as mathematics....
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amitymilieu damitie blog
20 aug. 20211 min läsning
Altar flowers
Impatience is the name of this flower. Maybe it shows an impatient talent from Goddess. I WANT TO FLOURISH A LOT☺️🐾👣
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amitymilieu damitie blog
26 maj 20211 min läsning
Between Hägg and Syren
Now the time between Prunus padus, Hägg and syringa vulgaris, Syren is past. It's said to be the most beautiful time of the year. Val her...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
25 maj 20211 min läsning
When you discuss Palestine/Israel we discuss a people up in the north. Peacefully this far but with new conflicts coming up. It's rights...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
11 maj 20211 min läsning
Recycling and climate
As we have a new normal time in Sweden we have decided to reuse alterflowers or at least pictures of them this will tell what was...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
4 maj 20211 min läsning
The great elk trek
Hopefully you have followed "the great elk trek" on svt play. We've been betting in between how many elks are to swim?...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
30 apr. 20211 min läsning
To be loved
For two years the daughter has been afraid of dying. Now it's mended. By love. Aim bien la nature. It mends. The daughter is a threesome...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
13 apr. 20211 min läsning
Birth of a daughter
By now they called mum today it's time. They called her in because of an indifference in blood groups between the dad and the mum. It...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
26 mars 20211 min läsning
"When you go outdoors and throw trash in the nature it's like throwing trash into somebody's living room and then leave without tidying."...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
23 mars 20211 min läsning
Our prophet has been in a discussion about Eden and invasion. She thinks that western people invade Eden where we destroy more than...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
2 mars 20211 min läsning
Lent and Jesus went out in the desert to fast. Our prophet had an epiphany that he made this pattern in the sand.
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amitymilieu damitie blog
16 feb. 20211 min läsning
Theee discussion
Like the nature as yourself. If you meet an alien like it that brings peace. Mmm bien la nature comme la fille. Happy the animals when...
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